
The Island - Ch 04

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lizardman22's avatar

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Grandmaster Zac dived to the side, narrowly avoiding a bright beam of light. The beam struck some of the wreckage behind him, reducing the metal to molten slag. He cursed. The dark energy swirling around his hands was unleashed, and the Grandmaster watched as it hit home. The target staggered. Flesh peeled off revealing shiny metal underneath.
Robots, Zac thought. No wonder Seleena couldn't detect life-signs.
He scrambled to his feet and fired again. The Megachiroteran braced for the impact, enveloped by the Grandmaster's attack. Zac growled. From within the purple-black flames of power that crackled he saw the robot emerge. It's almost skeletal skull glared at him with burning red eyes. Zac backpedaled, looking for an opening. Suddenly a burst of gunfire rattled off the robot, and it turned. Once more gunfire roared out, and Zac saw his Kommissair, Sabine empty a clip into the enemy. Undeterred the robot advanced on her. Hands fumbled at her belt, and Sabine unclipped her whip. She lashed out, the weapon wrapping around the robot's neck, pulling tightly. Zac jumped. His wings beat hard, rushing him forward. The Grandmaster slammed into the robot, clamping his hands against the sides of it's head. Dark energy flowed once more, but instead of a destructive blast, it seeped into the panels and joints of the foe, eroding the wiring and circuitry. Sparks crackled and flew. The robot stammered, a powerful spasm rocking it violently. Zac let go. Sabine yanked again on her whip, toppling the machine. Together the Grandmaster and Kommissair opened fire, and the automaton exploded. The soldiers exchanged a grim look. This was not going to be an easy fight to win.

Marth scrambled. A blast from one of the enemy had pierced her wing, and she struggled to take off. The Junior Cataphract swore hard. A voice called out to her, and she angled, running towards Venom who waved.
"Don't look back, Marth! Keep going!"
Marth ducked her head and sprinted, wings flapping in a vain attempt to harness more speed. She closed in on Venom, heart pounding in her chest. Behind her she could hear her purser catching up. Word had filtered down over the coms that the strange Megachiroterans were robots. It didn't matter to Marth though. An enemy was an enemy. Desperately the soldier glanced up, seeing Venom raise his bionic arm. The cybernetics morphed, transforming into a powerful blaster. He opened fire. Bolts raced past Marth, one just missing the platoon's trapper. She cursed again.
"Shoot the robot, not me you fool!" she yelled
Marth drew alongside Venom, and the Senior Lieutenant grabbed her, yanking her to the side. The pair fell, Venom wrapping Marth in his arms to shield her.
"Tuck in," he hissed.
The robot skidded, trying to track it's prey's sudden change in direction. For the briefest of moment's it's defenses were down, leaving it open for attack. Norris sprang the trap. He jumped, wings spread wide to control his leap. In his hands the demolitions expert held two shaped thermal charges. Norris slammed then hard against the sides of the robot's head, thumbs pressing the primers, and shoved off. He beat his wings, gaining altitude before allowing himself to drop beside Marth and Venom.
The charges went off. Hot plumes of flame, funneled into narrow jets of volcanic fury, cut their way into the robot's cranium. Metal melted. Plastic burnt. And crystal matrices shattered. The robot clasped at it's head to no avail. The plasma coils built into it's hands to power it's weaponry heated up and overloaded. An explosion rocked the area, sending jagged shards of metal flying everywhere. Marth, Venom and Norris braced, hoping not to be struck by any shrapnel. Slowly, with sensitive ears ringing, they got to their feet. Norris smiled.
"One down," he said. "Let's bag ourselves another."
Marth raised an eyebrow before slapping Venom on the arm.
"You can be bait this time," she said.

Klaus knelt down, pistol drawn. The medic tried his hardest to keep out of the fighting, but it was not out of cowardice he did so. It was because he had a duty to Adrik. The warrant officer was still unconscious from the sedative administered earlier, and Klaus knew he needed someone to watch over him. So far he had been lucky. His platoon-mates were coping well with the attack, the Grandmaster and Kommissair leading the way bravely. He heard explosions shake the area, and gunfire ring out. Bright lances of energy created a rainbow of destruction across the sky, and the medic watched, spotting Fenix engaged in a dog-fight with one of the enemy. Thick flames erupted up, targeting the perusing robot, and Klaus guessed that Torch must have been nearby. A shape burst from the underbrush, and Klaus gasped. The figure was giant, large than the troops of the 2nd Strategic Platoon. It turned, a deep red glowing behind false eyes. It raised it's hands, not seeming to realize that the appendages had been sheared off in a previous engagement. The robot paused. Slowly it's arms lowered and it marched forward. Klaus raised his pistol and fired. The shots struck home, but caused little damage. The robot closed in. Ammunition spent, Klaus drew his medical instruments. He knew they would not do much damage, but he had to try. Adrik was counting on him. Another shape loomed, almost as large as the robot. It wore a heavy hazmat suit, and Klaus felt a surge of hope. Torch, the platoon's pyrotechnition came to the rescue. Flames roared from it's flamethrower, coating the robot in sticky promethium fuel. fake skin sizzled away, revealing the endoskeleton underneath. The robot turned, hissing. Torch remained calm and unmoved. Hefting it's weapon like a club, the giant struck. The robot staggered, head tilting sharply to the side. A return strike spun it the other way. Torch dropped it's flamethrower and lunged. It grabbed the robot, ignoring the flames, and twisted. One hand griped tightly on the robot's shoulder. The other forced it's thick fingers into the robot's mouth. The machine fought back, beating at Torch with it's stumps. The pyrotechnition strained. Slowly the head began to move, wiring and cables snapping under the strain. Torched gave a wheezing roar, and the robot's head tore free from it's body. Victoriously Torch discarded the head, and lifted the body, slamming it down onto the ground.
"Look out!"
Klaus' warning came seconds too late as another robot landed behind the giant. It grabbed Torch, and the two titans wrestled. Klaus held his breath, if Torch fell, then he and Adrik were at the robot's mercy.

Zac looked about as his troops mopped up. They had fought well, defending themselves against the robot attackers. Just one more robot remained, locked in combat with Torch. The giant though seemed to have the matter under control. With brute strength, the giant flung it's attacker, it's helmet torn from it's head by the robot's grasping fingers. The robot struck a tree, dropping to the ground. Torch growled. It slammed down a foot, crunching the robot's neck. Two more kicks sent sparks spitting out, and the pyrotechnition finished up with a powerful punch that crunched it's way through the robot's chest. Zac winced. Torch had a strength few other legionnaires possessed. He was glad the giant was on their side. Quickly Zac sent out a call, rounding up his troops. A chorus of replies told him everyone was still present and accounted for. They materialized, emerging from the brush and landing in the gathering point. Marth, supported by Venom and Norris, flinched as she caught sight of Torch's face. The giant gave a wheezing grunt, retrieving it's helmet and putting it back on.
"Yeah, well, you fought well too, Torch," she said, attempting to ignore the visage she had just seen.
The Grandmaster looked about and found Sabine, pulling her aside.
"We can't rest," he said. "Get everyone rearmed and ready. We march on that castle as soon as possible."

Socket's mind swam dimly, her body numbed by pain. She never felt the needle stick deep into her veins, drawing blood. Her captor muttered, attention half focused on the video feed of it's robot warrior's destruction at the hands of the intruders.
"Gonna loose. Gonna loose. Never mind. Rejects all. Only the start though. You'll see. My research will survive. You'll be my key to that. You will destroy your friends..."
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sonicinterface's avatar
Fight scene, nothing-- this chapter is a multiple-front battle scene, shifting between multiple fights going on at once.  I like that.  (My own The D Virus features another example.)