
Hunt For The Ruby Riding Hood :TTSR:

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lizardman22's avatar

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The peaceful silence of the forest was shattered by a loud mechanical grinding. Birds and deer took flight, escaping the large silhouette that forced it's way through the dense trees. Gradually the silhouette burst free of the treeline, revealing itself as a heavily armored horseless carriage. Dirt and pulverized rock flaked off from the thick caterpillar tracks that dragged it along. The behemoth ground to a halt in the clearing, and a sharp hiss of steam escaped from it's funnel. Slowly a hatch opened, and a man stepped forth. He wore a beige shirt and brown trousers held up with matching braces. Heavy leather boots protected his feet, and his top hat was outfitted with an array of senors and radio equipment. The man walked forward, looking around, his heavy shotgun at the ready. Satisfied the area was clear of danger, the man spoke, his cordless radio transmitting his words back into the armored carriage where his sister manned a complex cogitator array.
"Looks like we're alone, Gretel"
"Good," Gretel replied.
She swiveled in her seat, and began to type at her keyboard, activating the data-loom. Dressed in a flowing white skirt, brown corset, knee-high leather boots, Gretel looked every part her brother's twin. She slid her goggles down over her bright blue eyes and reached into the bust of her corset, pulling out a trio of miniature wind-up beetles.
"I'm releasing the surveyors now, Jack," she said, tossing the beetles into the air.
The devices buzzed into life, flying out of the carriage and away into the clearing. They circled Jack once and then shot off North, heading towards what looked like a small stone cottage. Jack smiled. If the rumors were right, he and his sister could be in for one big payday. It was days like this that made him proud to have followed in their father's footsteps: Jack and Gretel Vonderland, the greatest archeologists in all of Nimbus. A crackle sounded in his ear, and Jack listened as Gretel gave him a report, reading from the printout on her cogitator as the surveyors radioed back their findings.
"This is the place, Jack," Gretel said. "The cottage is older than it looks, and I'm getting strange energy signals from within. Acoustical scans suggest crystalline artifacts of significant size."
There was no hiding the excitement in Gretel's voice.
"I think we did it, Jack. I think we finally found the Ruby Riding Hood!"

Jack Vonderland made his way forward cautiously, gun held at the ready. All of Gretel's scans suggested the coast was clear, but years of experience had taught them never to take things lightly. He stopped by the entrance to the cottage, looking for any traps. The lens mounted on his top hat sent data back to Gretel and she studied it for any clues.
"Let's try the direct approach, Jack," she said over the radio. "See if the door is unlocked."
Jack reached out, gripping the door handle. He gave it a twist, but it didn't budge.
"No luck," he replied.
He knelt down, looking into the lock. His equipment whirled, transmitting the info to Gretel.
"It looks like a normal lock, Sis. I can't see any extra security on it."
"Try your pick then," Gretel replied.
"Where are the surveyors?" Jack asked as he slipped his lock-pick from his tool kit strapped to his wrist.
"Still circling and mapping the cottage exterior," Gretel told him. "Whoever built this place wanted their privacy. No windows, no chimney, no other doors. That's the only way in, Bro."
Jack nodded to himself.
"Bring them back to my location, Sis," Jack said "I want them inside first once I get this door open."
"Roger that, Jack"
Jack set to work, inserting the pick into the lock. He twisted and moved it about, feeling how the tumblers sat and how they resisted. He held his breath, using all the tricks he knew to find just the right set of movements to spring the lock. A sudden buzz around his head told Jack that the surveyor beetles had zoomed in on his location. with one final twist, jack felt the lock give, the tumblers inside sliding into place, and the door opened. As one the beetles flew in, scanning the interior. Jack followed, sweeping his gun back and forth. The inside of the cottage looked normal. Gretel's voice echoed in his ear.
"Five rooms. Basic layout. Initial scans suggest you need to head to the bedroom at the back left of the cottage. That's where I'm picking up the strongest signals."
Jack nodded and made his way in. He checked his blind spots, making sure nothing was going to jump out and surprise him.
"Heading there now, Sis."

The bedroom was small, dominated by a large canopy bed. Tacky looking wallpaper covered the walls, and a dresser with a large mirror sat to the left. Movement caught Jack's eye, and he watched as the surveyor beetles split into two groups. One group flew over to a strange hunched shape that curled up on the bed, but it was the other group that drew Jack's focus as they scanned a tall glass display case. The contents withing were beautiful. It was a hooded cape no bigger than a man's fist, but instead of being made of cloth, it was cut from the reddest ruby that Jack had ever seen. He gasped.
Gretel's voice spoke out.
"We did it, Jack," she said.
Jack walked over to the display case, placing a hand against the glass. The Ruby Riding Hood was going to make them both very rich. Suddenly something moved and Gretel cried out.
"Jack! On the bed!"
Jack spun. The shape that had been curled up shifted, unfolding itself to reveal a large mechanical wolf. Tattered fur covered it's brass endoskeleton, and it's glass eyes focused on the man intruding in it's domain. A low mechanical growl echoed about. Jack froze.
"Speak to me, Gretel," he whispered. "What am I up against?"
Gretel hammered away at her keyboard, scanning the printouts as her surveyor beetles analyzed the wolf.
"Anatomically correct frame. Fur is fake. I'm detecting advanced cogitator units in the skull and chest. It seems to be powered by multiple boiler units."
Jack rolled his eyes.
"That's all well and good," he said, aiming his gun at the mechanical beast. "But what do I do?"
"How should I know?" Gretel retorted. "What did you do to set it off?"
"I didn't do anything," Jack snapped. "I wasn't even looking at it. I was focused on the Ruby Riding Hood."
Gretel snapped her fingers.
"Of course," she gasped. "You haven't found any defenses so far, Jack. This must have been set up to protect the treasure. Try reaching for the Hood, see what it does."
Jack blinked in shock.
"You want me to what?"
"Just do it, Jack. If it starts to look like it will attack, pull your hand back. That or just shoot the bugger."
Jack sighed. Sometimes he wished it was Gretel doing the grunt work, not him. But then, she had always been the technical one out the the pair, and Jack knew there was no way he would ever be able to control the armored carriage's data-loom and cogitators as well as she could. Jack watched the mechanical wolf and slowly reached a hand towards the display case containing the Ruby Riding Hood. His fingers brushed against the glass, and the wolf growled, it's jaws opening wide. Jack quickly pulled his hand back, staring at the sharp brass teeth.
"My what big teeth you have," he whispered.
The wolf growled again, and to Jack's surprise spoke.
"All the better to eat you with..."
The wolf sprung and Jack cried out, diving to the side. The wolf barely missed him, it's claws tearing at Jack's shirt. The young archeologist scrambled, trying to put enough distance between himself and the beast to use his gun. The wolf turned  and lunged again, forcing Jack to take cover behind the bed. In his ear he could hear his sister yelling, but her words were hard to understand. Jack ducked and crawled, scooting under the bed and out the other side. he stood up, and was instantly barreled over as the wolf collided with him. The mechanical jaws clamped down on his gun, and the two combatants toppled into the display case. Glass shattered and the Ruby Riding Hood skidded across the floor. Jack kicked and bucked, trying to throw the wolf off. His knee throbbed as it struck a metal rib. A loud bang echoed in his ears as the gun went off, a hole blasted into the wall. Jack heaved, ignoring the pain from the wolf's claws which scratched at him, and flipped the wolf over. The mechanical terror let go of the gun and righted itself, giving Jack just enough time to jump to his feet. The archeologist ran, scooping up the treasure he had come for. He darted out of the bedroom and down the corridor, the wolf hot in pursuit. It howled, a ferocious mechanical screech, and snapped. Jack skidded to the side, tripping over as he found himself in the kitchen. Jack fumbled with the slide of his gun, racking another shell into the breach and raised the weapon to his shoulder. He fired, striking the wolf in the shoulder as it approached. The wolf snarled, black oil leaking out of the wound. Jack fired again, and again. More wounds opened up, but the wolf seemed unharmed. Shapes darted in, Gretel's surveyor beetles harassing the mechanical beast, and Jack acted. He ran, jumping at the last second and vaulted over the wolf.
"Quickly, Jack. Get outside!"
"Like I wasn't trying to do that before, Sis."
Jack sprinted. He heard a howl and the sound of furniture being demolished, and knew the wolf was back on the hunt. The front door, still open, loomed up before him and Jack burst outside. The armored carriage never looked so welcoming. A warning cry from Gretel deafened Jack and he dove to the ground instinctively. A shadow passed overhead, and the wolf landed hard, cutting off Jack's escape. Jack crawled backwards. He raised his gun and pulled the trigger, but his weapon jammed. The wolf advanced, it's head held low and it's jaws working in anticipation of a kill. Jack grit his teeth. The wolf snarled and leapt. Suddenly it exploded violently, a thunderous boom filling the air. Shrapnel scythed past Jack, one piece cutting his cheek. He blinked. Jack glanced over towards the armored carriage and spotted his sister standing there. She held an experimental Tesla cannon in her hands, steam and luminous gasses venting from the barrel.
"You cut it pretty close there, Sis," Jack said, getting up.
"What are you complaining about?" Gretel replied. "You're still in one piece and we have the Ruby Riding Hood."
She dropped the Tesla cannon and walked over to her brother, hugging him.
"We're gonna be rich and famous, Jack."
A low growl echoed about and the twins froze. They glanced back towards the cottage and their jaws dropped. Circling around the structure strode three mechanical bears. The twins looked at each other and sprinted for the armored carriage.
"I think it's time we got outta here," Jack said as he darted inside, starting the engine
"I couldn't agree more, bro," Gretel replied.
The carriage gave a loud mechanical squeal and moved, retreating back into the forest and leaving the bears alone with the cottage. The twins had retrieved what they had come for, and it was best not to push their luck anymore for the day. The Ruby Riding Hood was treasure enough and would more than satisfy their needs. At least, it would until their next adventure...
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jes6ica's avatar


This is a really fun story! I'm putting together a steampunk-themed anthology (a previous antho has featured other DeviantArt writers) and I wonder if you would be at all interested in submitting this story? 

More information here:…